Bakery and Baked Goods Course

Bakery and Baked Goods Course

Bakery and Baked Goods Course (Ingredients, Processes, Products, and Trends)

Innograin’s blog already contains a considerable amount of material that one might get lost in or not fully utilize. That’s why I’ve decided to organize some of the entries into the form of a course.

My idea is to gradually incorporate some entries into this course each week so that it’s not too heavy or time-consuming. I’ll probably do the updates on Fridays so that some people can use their weekends to catch up. However, the course will remain permanently accessible, so you can read the entries at your own pace. Nevertheless, if anyone wants to search for a specific topic, the blog has a search function on the right side (just enter the search terms). Additionally, there’s a guide on how to navigate the blog as the main entry.

The blog is written in Spanish. Throughout the course I will translate each entry discussed in the course into English. If you are interested in a topic that has not yet been translated, you can use the Google Translate that is to the right of each entry.

Bread is a product made from flour (usually wheat), water, salt, and yeast. So, we’ll start by getting to know these ingredients and the functionality of their components. But most bread also incorporates other products such as enzymes, additives, fats, or other ingredients. Furthermore, these other ingredients are present in the production of other baked goods, such as cakes or cookies, so we’ll also discuss them during the course.

In addition to the ingredients, we should address some aspects of the processing. We already know that making bread requires mixing and kneading the ingredients, shaping the dough, fermenting, and baking. But it’s also possible to incorporate a sourdough starter, for example. And other products, like cakes or cookies, require different processing methods. All of these will be covered in this course. Let’s not forget the various types of bread and baked products made around the world.

So, without further delay, let’s get started.

Before anything else, we need to get to know wheat flour a little better and its functionality in making these types of products since it’s the primary ingredient. But before we talk about flour, we need to discuss its components, starting with protein, which usually receives the most attention.

  1. Wheat Flour

Wheat protein can form the gluten network, which gives the dough its unique characteristics.

Starch is the predominant component in flour, yet it often receives little attention, despite its significant importance.

It must be said that these entries are some of the most consulted on the blog.

Next week we will continue expanding.

And if you know someone interested in these topics, you already know that this initiative is completely free and disinterested. We only seek to increase the training and knowledge of people who work in the sector, and of all fans of these topics.

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