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Category: Flours

Micronized Flours and Protein Concentrates

Micronized Flours and Protein Concentrates

The particle size of flours depends on the hardness of the grain and the milling system. Generally, softer grains tend to produce finer flours, while harder grains result in coarser flours. However, the milling system can be designed to further reduce particle size. For harder grains, this translates into greater heating of the samples and a higher percentage of damaged starch, especially if the milling system is not well designed. Soft cereals, such as wheat and rye, typically produce white…

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Germinated (or Sprouted) Flours

Germinated (or Sprouted) Flours

In recent years, the use of sprouted flours has significantly increased, and the promotion of these flours is seen on the packaging of products such as bread, cookies, and others. It’s a trend that originated in the United States and, like many others, is gaining momentum in Europe and other parts of the world. Generally, this trend is based on the nutritional benefits of sprouted grains, but it’s necessary to consider some aspects to effectively incorporate the use of sprouted…

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Fibres belong to the group of carbohydrates, but they are not assimilated as easily by the body. They are present in plant products, and their consumption has been associated with numerous nutritional benefits. For this reason, there is great interest in enriching baked goods, such as bread, with fibres. However, it is important to know what nutritional advantages they offer, what regulations govern these enrichments, and how fibres influence processes. The topic of fibres is very complex, so in this…

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Wholemeal Flours

Wholemeal Flours

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of consuming wholemeal products. And companies have taken on the challenge of producing higher-quality wholemeal products. In this post, we’ll analyse wholemeal flours, how to produce them, assess their quality, and explore the possibilities available to millers and manufacturers of wholemeal products. In a subsequent post, we’ll discuss the advantages of wholemeal products and how we can improve the quality of bread and other wholemeal products. Wholemeal Flour…

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Quinoa and Amaranth

Quinoa and Amaranth

In this post, we’re going to talk about two grains native to the Andean highlands, located between Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador, which have been the basis of the diet for these communities since ancient times. Both grains have been consumed by the Incas and earlier cultures (for about 7000 years), and they have gained popularity in Western countries in recent years. These grains are quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) and amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus), also known as kiwicha in their countries of origin….

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General Aspects Buckwheat, or Fagopyrum esculentum, is a plant native to central and northeastern Asia. From there, it spread to Europe through Russia and Turkey in the 14th and 15th centuries, and later to North America. Its cultivation peaked in the 19th century, gradually declining up to the present day. However, in recent years, it has experienced growth due to the rise of gluten-free products and the nutritional quality of this grain. Currently, its cultivation is centred in China and…

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Millet, Teff, and Fonio

Millet, Teff, and Fonio

To be honest, I’m not entirely sure how to title this entry, as it’s a confusing topic. I had thought of calling it “African grains,” but some of the grains we’re going to talk about are cultivated in large areas of Asia (in fact, most of the production is concentrated in Asia), and sorghum is an African cereal that has little in common with these. I also considered titling it “small grains,” but the term “small” is quite ambiguous. Lastly,…

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Rice Flour

Rice Flour

Rice flour does not have any inherent advantages over the use of wheat flour. It is a fairly nutritionally poor white flour, as rice is one of the cereals with the highest starch content. Its protein, fibre, and bioactive substance content are lower compared to other cereal flours. Rice flour also does not contribute any specific aroma or flavour, being quite neutral. Lastly, the cost of rice flour is higher than that of other flours like wheat in Western countries….

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Corn Flour

Corn Flour

Corn is one of the most cultivated cereals in the world, alongside wheat and rice. However, unlike wheat and rice, its consumption in the form of flour is much less common. The reason for this difference lies in the large amount of corn used for animal feed and industrial production of starch and derived products, some of which are returned to the food industry. There is also a significant amount of corn used for biofuel production. Although food products containing…

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Ancient Wheats

Ancient Wheats

Wheat has been evolving since its earliest known existence. This evolution has been driven by the demands of both producers and consumers. However, in recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in ancient wheats. In this post, we’ll discuss the evolution of wheat and whether this interest is merely a passing trend or has substantial reasons behind it. Evolution of Wheat Varieties The evolution of wheat over time has focused on various aspects, but perhaps the most significant…

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